GO OUT and About – Anabout
十多年的山野出走、十多年的網誌撰寫、近幾年的自家制戶外經驗,令我們認識來自世界各地喜歡山野的人,尤其是喜歡輕量出走的人們和品牌。雖然大家來自不同的地方,但喜愛「山野」這共同語言令我們彼此認識更多、更多各地的山野文化和裝備。除了在GO OUT網站去分享我們的所見所聞給予香港的山友外,更多高質素的活動和山野裝備也會在新項目Anabout出現,相信這會是一個更可持續發展的新平台。
Anabout 是我們的一個新項目,簡單說是一個更專注於山野活動的商業化平台,我們相信適當的商業化會令一些山野的事情變得更好玩和更專業。商業化我們將可更專注和更多的資源去組織一些創新的山野活動,不再局限於往日我們小圈子的活動;裝備銷售平台也是這個項目的另一個重點,我們將盡我們所能、帶我們所好,引進更多輕量化和精選的山野裝備給香港的山友們。商業化的平台這一切我們還在摸索中,期待你們的意見和支持。
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Anabout is an innovative platform to gather outdoor enthusiasts. We are the communication channel of brands and customers. Through outdoor activities, exhibitions and events. We gather outdoor enthusiasts and passionate brands. We strive to provide the best selected outdoor equipment and after-sales service. We know you love nature, we will make you enjoy it even more. Variety of products Everyone is different. We know outdoor enthusiasts are looking for gears that suite themselves. We believed the choice of outdoor products are more than major brands. Specialty brands are full of potential. Our sensitivity to outdoor market trend helps us to source exciting outdoor products from passionate brands. Information we received from regular activities from our platform provides us new vision to the trend. To provide the best selected outdoor equipment, we have the synergy of different passionate brands from Hong Kong, China, Japan and Taiwan. Pick from our list!
Customer satisfaction We put our customers first. Your satisfaction is our priority. We want to know your comments on our products. We think communication is very important to achieve that. Not only when there is any problem with the product we sell. We want to know your ideas. No matter it is outdoor news, your trips and simply the beauty of nature. Talk to us!