喜歡用蛋殼設計的泡沫睡墊,因為使用和收納方便、快捷、價格也相對便宜,另外輕量也保暖和在山野使用時可以隨意一點,也不像充氣地墊那樣怕損壞。如果出行許可必定帶上蛋殼墊,一直在使用 Z-Lite 也好滿意,但自從前一陣子「山之泉」打算開發超輕的蛋殼墊,多次和他們的設計師交流,也因我對泡沫墊的技術和知識有更深的認識,令我更愛上蛋殼墊同時也期待他們的新品,一款 200克左右、R值有2.5的蛋殼墊⋯⋯
但在這期待過程中,Nemo Equipment 也推出了一款超輕的蛋殼墊而已聲稱可以在負七度環境下使用。心儀已久最近叫朋友幫忙入手,在家打開玩玩,有少少初步印象:泡沫材質柔軟度好、表面凹凸形狀,睡上去有明顯的舒適感;橙色面泡沫模上手有溫暖感;銀面用力擦會甩少許顏色;泡沫凹凸形狀使整張地蓆貼合好,收納緊密、細; 實測407克(官方415克),其他的就等上山實測了。更多詳情請看官網介紹。
NEMO redefined the classic closed-cell foam sleeping pad to deliver more thickness and plush comfort in an industry-leading packed size. Switchback™ features hexagonal nodes, which are molded with a our dual-density Axiotomic™ foam to create Hypnoelastic™ zones that conform to your body in a perfect balance of comfort and support. Switchback™ also leverages a metalized thermal film layer to efficiently reflect heat back to your body. Blend that with 15% more heat-trapping space, this new innovative design is able to deliver a warmer, more comfortable sleep than other pads in this category.
Nemo Switchback (Left) & Z-Lite (Right)
Nemo Switchback (Left) & Z-Lite (Right)